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Coming soon

Case 01

Elaboration of the Conceptual Hydrogeological Model of the Moatize Mine, located in Mozambique. Among the works to be developed are: compilation of geological and hydrogeological data, analysis and interpretation of information from the installed monitoring instruments (piezometers, INA's and tubular wells), analysis of geophysical tests (electroresistance) and analysis of tests to define the characteristics hydrodynamics of the aquifers (bail test, slug test, pumping tests and aquifer tests). Underground water dynamics, geometry and configuration of aquifer units, recharge and discharge zones, vulnerability of these hydrogeological systems to possible contaminants, as well as water availability inherent to the project and contiguous portions will be characterized.
Coming soon

Case 02

Development of technical and management works, of the Animal Reintegration Program of the Abrigo de Fauna Farm (FAF) located in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais. Reception, treatment and shelter activities are carried out for hundreds of domestic and wild animals, following the precepts of animal welfare, with a view to the reintegration of each of the rescued individuals. With a daily workforce of approximately 50 employees, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CLAM works in the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries, prevention and relief of pain, distress, immunization, food supply and other conditions of life that are appropriate to the needs and nature of the animals. Adoption actions are also carried out, among other activities.
Coming soon

Case 03

Performance in the restoration of environmental impacts generated by carrying sediments on the Paraopeba River. Environmental programs related to the collection of carcasses, monitoring of dredging and shoals, expenditure, monitoring of water quality parameters, monitoring of ichthyoplankton and necropsy are carried out to assess the ichthyofauna's cause of death. The team consists of veterinarians, biologists, professional fishermen, field assistants, engineers and aquaculture farmers.

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